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Leaded ethanol-free storage fuel for engines needing leaded fuel.


CFS Storage 5 star is completely free of ethanol and made from pure hydrocarbons and

petroleum chemicals.  It is, as the name indictes leaded to help preserve valves, valves seats

and cylinder heads in engines not designed for unleaded petrol.  

Its very high octan levels of 103RON and 98MON protects even extremely high compression

engines from detonation.  Storage safe for a least three years and vehicles will start on the button even years after they have been laid off.

CFS Storage 5 Star Fuel 10 Litres

CFS outshines traditional roadside petrol.  It functions just like regular fuel but remains stable for years in your engine, keeping your engine in prime condition.  While regular petrol starts to deteriorate with a month, CFS ensures long-term performance saving you from costly issues.


01622 890046


Mon - Fri:   8.30am - 5.30pm

Sat:  8.30am - 1.00pm


Our friendly, knowledgeable sales team are here to help you find the right garden machine.  We stock a wide range of household names such as Honda, Mountfield and Husqvarna.  

When you buy from us, your machine is fully assembled, inspected, fuelled and ready to go


"Very friendly staff nothing too much bother got what we wanted. Felt safe whilst there."   Glenda

"So helpful and great advice given."   Chris


Mower Plant Services Sunpatch Farm, Headcorn Road, Smarden, Ashford, Kent, TN27 8PJ

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